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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rooting and Growing Garlic Plant From CloveMaterials Needed

Fresh garlic cloves (organic or untreated)
Well-draining soil (garden bed or pot)
Mulch (straw or leaves)
Watering can
1. Select Healthy Cloves:
Choose large, firm cloves with the skin intact for better growth.
2. Prepare the Soil:
Use loose, well-draining soil with compost for better fertility.
3. Plant the Cloves:
In fall or early spring, plant cloves 2 inches deep, pointed end up, spaced 4-6 inches apart.
4. Water the Cloves:
Water immediately after planting and keep the soil moist, but not soggy.
5. Mulch the Area:
Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture, regulate temperature, and prevent weeds.
6. Monitor Growth:
Green shoots will appear in a few weeks. Water regularly and reduce once plants mature.
7. Fertilize (Optional):
Light fertilization with compost or nitrogen-rich fertilizer helps promote healthy growth.
8. Harvesting:
After 7-8 months, harvest when lower leaves turn brown. Let garlic cure for 2-3 weeks in a dry, shaded area.
9. Store the Garlic:
Once cured, trim stems and store in a cool, dry place.
Choose the right garlic variety for your climate.
Avoid store-bought garlic; use untreated or organic bulbs.
Rotate crops yearly to maintain soil health.

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