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TETAPLAH BERUSAHA DAN TETAP  YAKIN KITA BERHASIL.  Jangan perna Menyerah Jangan perna Putus asa Tetap fokus pada tujuan dan bukan pada hamba...

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Friday, July 26, 2024



Jangan perna Menyerah
Jangan perna Putus asa
Tetap fokus pada tujuan dan bukan pada hambatan. 

Keyakinan kuat untuk sukses dan tidak menyerah itu putusanya dalam program pikiran bahwa sadar.
-Jangan Menyimpan Uang
      (putar uangnya) 
-Jangan Mencari Pekerjaan
      (ciptakan lapangan kerja) 
-Jangan Memikirkan Hasil 
     (nikmati prosesnya) 
-Jangan terlalu banyakNya Memikirkan 
     (mulailah ber-tindak) 

       long good yumi sanap:√

Thursday, July 25, 2024


SAAT USIA 40 TH- AN...  
"PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DAN PENDIDIKAN RENDAH, SAMA SAJA". (malah beberapa orang yg pendidikannya tak tinggi dan tak terlalu berprestasi, justru punya lebih bnyk uang) 😉

SAAT USIA 50- AN.... 
"CANTIK DAN JELEK, SAMA SAJA". (tak peduli seberapa cantiknya kamu, di usia itu kerutan, darkspot, kulit kendur, tak bisa terus kamu sembunyikan dengan Gincu dan bedakmu. 🙂

SAAT USIA 60- an.... 
"POSISI TINGGI DAN POSISI RENDAH, SAMA SAJA". (Setelah semua pensiun, tak perlu lagi menghindari boss-mu).

SAAT USIA 70- an... 
"RUMAH BESAR DAN RUMAH KECIL, SAMA SAJA".(Tulang sendi lutut dan kakimu semakin tua, semakin sulit untuk bisa bergerak; sekarang kamu cuma butuh ruang kecil untuk bisa duduk) 😙

SAAT USIA 80- an... 
"PUNYA UANG DAN TIDAK PUNYA UANG, SAMA SAJA" .(saat itu uangmu tak lagi bisa membeli steak yg lezat, gulai, rendang, dll, karena Tubuhmu tak lagi bisa dimasuki bnyk makanan, Lidahmu sudah tak punya rasa, 
dan kamu tak bisa lagi ke tempat di mana kamu bisa menghabiskan uangmu. 🤨

SAAT USIA 90- an... 
"TIDUR DAN BANGUN, SAMA SAJA", (karena setelah bangun, kamu tetap tidak tahu apa yg akan kamu lakukan) 😐

"KAYA DAN MISKIN, SAMA SAJA". Kamu hanya akan memakai 1 peti jenazah plus dimasukkan ke dalam tanah yang ukurannya sama; orang2 akan menangisi kamu kemudian melupakanmu, karena mereka sudah dipenuhi oleh persoalan hidupnya masing-masing. 😪

Oleh karena itu, semasa hidup, jangan terlalu tinggi hati atas apa yg kita MILIKI, karena kita akan berakhir SAMA. JANGAN Terlalu Keras mencari MATERI, karena PADA AKHIRNYA kamu tak memiliki APA2... 


Friday, July 19, 2024


1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: This category of people are energy drainers and time wasters. Such people would always want you to do everything for them. They don’t care about your own good but only theirs. They believe it’s your problem to solve their problems. One terrible thing about “wheelbarrow” is that, after you have laboured to load it up, you will still have to labour to push before it moves.

Note: Wheelbarrow people are consumers of energy, time and resources.

2. MOSQUITO PEOPLE: This set of people are only interested in sucking goodies out of your life and injected poison in replacement. They are benefits seekers but will never add values to others. Mosquito people have nothing good to offer but always want to derive goodness from others. Here is one terrible thing about “Mosquitos”, they only sing around you whenever they want to suck your blood and give you malaria.

Note: Mosquito people only sing your praises when they have something to benefit from you, while they backbite and backstab you thereafter.

3. SCAFFOLDING PEOPLE: This category of people are glory seekers and takers. Just because they have helped you at one time or another, they would want to be god over your life. They want to always control you and dictate the directions of your life. They won’t want you to be free and shine on your own but to always be under them.

One good thing about “Scaffolding” is that it’s useful but it’s usefulness is for short-term purpose. It is dangerous to be kept for permanent purpose.

Note: You must know when the relevances of scaffolding people have started constituting nuisance to your personal development and progress. And at such a time, all you must do is to discard them without delay, if not, your star will never shine.

4. CROCODILE PEOPLE: This category of people are nothing but pretenders. They don't have good reasons or godly intentions for getting closer to you. They only get close to know your secrets and will possibly use whatever personal information they know about you against you at any slightest provocation or disagreement. Crocodile people are not pretenders, they are liars, backstabbers, gossipers and twaddlers.

Note: Crocodile people would pretend to gain your empathy and make you vulnerable to their attack thereafter.

5. CHAMELEON PEOPLE: This set of people are envious and full of jealousy. They are always in unhealthy competition with you. They pretend as if they are going the same direction with you but only to silently monitor your life's progress with evil and negative intentions. They are envious of your success and as a result enter into competitive jealousy with you. Chameleon people are friends that will neither support you nor celebrate your progress, but would always amplify your downfall and mistakes.

Note: A jealous and envious friend can go any length to sabotage your efforts, frustrate your plans and destroy your dreams.

6. NAYSAYER PEOPLE: This set of people are dream killers. They won't appreciate your dreams and they will never support it. They will tell you 1001 reasons why your dream is impossible. They won't see your efforts but will always capitalise on your failed attempts. They will always see your cup half-empty and not half-full. When you are working on solutions, they would be busy creating more problems for you. They are passion killers and hope drainers.

Note: Naysayer People don't have dreams, so they will neither appreciate your dream nor support it.

7. GARBAGE PUSHER PEOPLE: This category of people are the worst of them all. They don't have anything good to offer. Their lives are full of debris, dirtiness and trashes. They are carriers of bad and negative news. They are carriers and disseminators discouraging and demoralizing information. Anytime they surface, it means they have something negative to talk about. They a peddlers of unfortunate events and negative development.

Note: Garbage Pusher People are always the first set of people to twit, post and broadcast ungodly, unfortunate, unprofitable and heartbreaking information.

You know them on your list as I also have them on my list too.


It is your sole responsibility to examine your life to really understand what categories of people you are surrounded with. Your life can only move in right directions the moment you associate with positive people and disconnect from negative people. Am I communicating?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Jack Ma the richest man in China said....

Jack Ma the richest man in China said, "If you put the Banana and Money infront of a monkey. The monkey will choose Banana because the monkey don't know that money can buy alot of Bananas."

In fact, if you offer WORK and BUSINESS to people, they will choose to WORK because most people don't know that a BUSINESS can make more money than salary.

One of the reason the poor are poor is because the poor are not trained to recognise the entrepreneurial opportunity.

They spend alot of time in school and what they learn in school is work for a salary instead of working for themselves.

Profit is better than wages because wages can support you, but profits can make you a fortune.
Keep following

Batu Menangis (Cerita Rakyat Suku Hubula Wamena)

📍cerita rakyat papua 
●Batu Menangis (Cerita Rakyat Suku Hubula Wamena)

Dahulu kala, di suatu desa dekat Danau Habema, Puncak Trikora Wamena, hiduplah sepasang saudara. Mereka hidup tenteram bersama keluarganya. Penduduk desa pun sangat ramah terhadap satu sama lain.

Desa ini terkenal akan ketaatan mereka pada adat-istiadat serta betapa teguhnya keyakinan mereka pada hal-hal mistis. Keyakinan tersebut lebih kepada arwah nenek moyang mereka dan kepercayaan animisme.

Suatu hari, kepala suku hendak mengadakan pesta babi besar-besaran yang dinamai ewe ako . Pesta ini merupakan tradisi turun-temurun masyarakat suku Hubula yang diadakan setiap lima tahun sekali. Tujuan pesta ini adalah untuk menyelesaikan semua hutang dan masalah-masalah internal desa dengan menggunakan babi dalam pesta ini. Oleh karena itu, mereka memutuskan untuk membuat pesta itu.

Sepasang kakak beradik ini pun mengambil bagian untuk membantu mengumpulkan sayur-sayuran di hutan terdekat. Mereka menjelajahi hutan terdekat hingga sampailah mereka tepat ke kaki Gunung Trikora.

Puncak Trikora atau Hirip akup adalah tempat yang cukup sakral. Ada larangan untuk tidak membuang sampah, sampah, ataupun mengotori daerah sekitar.

Setelah berhasil mengumpulkan banyak sayur-sayuran, sang adik merasa mual. Kakak ipar bertanya apakah dia akan melarangnya.

“Tahan saja, tunggu saat kita kembali ke desa,” katanya.

Akan tetapi, sang adik laki-laki sudah tidak dapat menahannya lagi. Singkat cerita, dia pergi ke salah satu semak-semak untuk membuang kotoran.

Setelah merasa lega, dia memutuskan untuk menyembunyikan bokongnya. Dilihatnya pun di sekelilingnya, daunnya begitu kecil. Sebenarnya ada beberapa sayuran yang telah dia kumpulkan, hanya saja, sayur-sayur itu untuk dimakan.

Setelah berpikir dia melihat beberapa batu yang tersusun rapi di dekat kaki gunung. Bersihkan bokongnya pada salah satu batu.

Pada saat bokongnya bersih, dia hendak berdiri, tetapi tidak bisa.

“Kakak!” Serunya dengan kencang.

Dia terus mencoba menarik pantatnya.

“Kakak, tolong!!” Teriaknya sambil menangis kencang.

Kakak ipar pun berlari dengan cepat ke arah dimana suara itu berasal.

Ketika dia tiba, dia hanya bisa menatap adik laki-lakinya dengan rambut gimbal. Dia sadar, bahwa tidak ada jalan keluar baginya.

Gadis itu menangis sambil memeluk adiknya. Setelah beberapa jam, dia pun meninggalkan adiknya. Anak itu telah menjadi satu dengan alam karena ia melanggar adat yang ada. Alam akan mengambil dan melawan siapa pun yang menentangnya.

Bila anak itu merasa dingin, dia akan menangis, dan saat dia menangis, maka akan terjadi hujan dan suhu akan turun secara drastis di kampungnya serta di setiap kampung di Wamena.

Hanya sedikit orang yang dapat mendengarkan suara anak itu saat ia menangis. Namun, dia tidak akan mengusik setiap orang. Dia hanya akan mengubah suhu sekitar.

◇Ada banyak sekali pintu-pintu di dunia. Pintu yang kita masuki adalah pilihan kita sendiri. Pilihlah dengan baik dan bijak karena kita tidak pernah tahu kemana pintu itu akan membawa kita. (*)

🔘Penulis adalah mahasiswa Universitas Cenderawasih. Cerita ini merupakan cerita favorit ke-3 (juara 6) pilihan juri lomba penulisan cerita rakyat dalam rangka HUT ke-18 Juli

Monday, July 15, 2024

12 Homemade fertilizers for plants easy to find at home

1. Banana Peels: Bury or soak for potassium.
2. Coffee Grounds: Great for acidic plants.
3. Eggshells: Crush and sprinkle for calcium.
4. Epsom Salt: Dissolve for magnesium.
5. Molasses: Dilute for nutrients and microbes.
6. Aquarium Water: Full of beneficial nutrients.
7. Wood Ash: Sprinkle for potassium and calcium.
8. Gelatin: Dissolve for leafy growth.
9. Milk: Mix for calcium and protein.
10. Seaweed: Rinse and chop for minerals and growth hormones.
11. Vegetable Scraps: Boil for nutrient-rich broth.
12. Weed Tea: Steep for nutrient-rich fertilizer.
Experiment and nourish your plants for robust growth!


-Named after baby sleeps, this plant does many wonders.

-Take a few leaves of this plant and put a few tastes in your husband's food, whatever you want he will do it. your word will be yes in his mouth. that he eats alone.

-Take some leaves with the roots, boil them or leave them in water overnight, and rinse with this water every morning for 3 days without speaking. men will be at your feet, you will be very attractive.
the bath' is also effective for broken promises.

-To have charm and always attract your husband to you, burn baby sleeping leaves as incense in the bedroom. your man will no longer be able to do without you. your feet his feet.

-To make a charming, attractive perfume, you want it to be you who is admired everywhere, crush a few leaves and put that in your perfume. preferably cologne

I come in peace 🙏🙏