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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Banana takes 7-9 months for it to complete it's circle as in fruits and matures

You probably would avoid it making fruits during the dry season because of low productivity as a result of the drought effects. 

3 WONDERFUL BENEFITS... of planting improved variety plantain. 

1- it doesn't grow tall and have an average height of 5 -7 ft.

2- It produces more than 35 fingers when well managed

3- it can takes 7 months to fruit and 2 months to mature.

are at the starting stage of raining season and any one that intend planting plantains and banana should be getting their suckers ready to plant by now if not already planted.

The rain don't last long to sustain the plants from small stage till harvest, so if you must plant without irrigation and expect massive harvest, do that now.

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