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Thursday, December 19, 2024

How to Build a Lasagna Garden Bed

1. Select a Location: Choose a sunny spot suitable for the plants you want to grow.
2. Prepare the Site: Clear the area of large debris, leaving the grass as is.
3. Lay a Weed Barrier: Cover the area with cardboard or layers of wet newspaper.
4. Add Brown Materials: Place a layer of leaves, straw, or shredded newspaper.
5. Add Green Materials: Add a layer of grass clippings, vegetable scraps, or manure.
6. Layer Compost: Spread compost over the green layer.
7. Repeat Layers: Continue adding alternate layers of brown and green materials, finishing with compost.
8. Water the Layers: Moisten each layer as you build the bed.
9. Let It Decompose: Allow the bed to sit for a few months until the materials break down.
10. Plant Your Garden: Once decomposed, plant directly into the bed.
These steps will help you create a fertile, ready-to-plant garden bed with minimal effort.

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