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Monday, October 28, 2024

Know your garden enemies

1. Aphids: Small sap-sucking insects that can cause damage by feeding on plant juices.
2. Armyworms: Caterpillars that consume large amounts of foliage, often in army-like groups.
3. Asparagus Beetle: Insects that target asparagus plants, causing damage to foliage and spears.
4. Cabbage Looper: Caterpillars that chew large holes in leaves, particularly on cabbage and related plants.
5. Cabbage Worms: Green caterpillars that feed on cabbage leaves and other cruciferous plants.
6. Corn Earworm: Caterpillars that attack the tips of corn ears, as well as fruits and vegetables.
7. Cucumber Beetle: Pests that feed on cucumbers and other cucurbits, transmitting diseases like bacterial wilt.
8. Cutworms: Caterpillars that cut down young plants at the base, often overnight.
9. Earwig: Insects that feed on a variety of plant leaves, flowers, and fruits.
10. European Corn Borer: Moth larvae that bore into corn stalks, causing significant damage.
11. Flea Beetle: Small beetles that jump like fleas and chew small holes in leaves.
12. Grasshopper: Large insects that consume a wide variety of plants, sometimes causing severe damage.
13. Leafhopper: Insects that suck sap from plants, potentially spreading plant diseases.
14. Leafminer: Larvae that tunnel into leaves, creating visible trails or blotches.
15. Mexican Bean Beetle: Pests that feed on bean plants, skeletonizing the leaves.
16. Potato Beetle: Insects that mainly target potato plants, causing extensive foliage damage.
17. Psyllid: Small sap-sucking insects that can stunt plant growth and spread diseases.
18. Root Maggots: Larvae that feed on the roots of plants, causing wilting and plant death.
19. Slug & Snail: Mollusks that feed on plant leaves and stems, leaving behind a slime trail.
20. Sowbug & Pillbug: Crustaceans that feed on decaying plant material and sometimes seedlings.
21. Spider Mites: Tiny arachnids that suck plant juices, often causing stippling on leaves.
22. Squash Bugs: Insects that feed on squash plants, damaging leaves and vines.
23. Thrips: Tiny insects that feed on plant sap, often leaving silver streaks on foliage.
24. Tomato Hornworm: Large caterpillars that defoliate tomato plants.
25. Whiteflies: Small white flying insects that suck sap and can spread plant diseases.

These pests can pose serious threats to gardens by damaging plants and spreading diseases. Control methods include natural predators, organic sprays, and other integrated pest management strategies.

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