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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Unlock 10 Brilliant Ways Baking Soda Transforms Your Garden

1. Natural Fungicide: Mix baking soda with water and liquid soap to spray on plants and combat fungal diseases like powdery mildew.

2. Weed Killer: Directly apply baking soda on garden weeds to kill them without harming surrounding plants.

3. Pest Deterrent: A mixture of baking soda and flour can deter pests like cabbage worms and aphids when dusted on plants.

4. Soil Amendment: Baking soda can be used to neutralize overly acidic soil, improving the environment for plant growth.

5. Tomato Sweetener: Sprinkle baking soda around tomato plants to decrease soil acidity, resulting in sweeter tomatoes.

6. Compost Enhancer: Speed up the composting process by making the environment more alkaline with baking soda.

7. Odor Absorber: Neutralize odors in areas like compost bins by sprinkling baking soda.

8. Tool Cleaner: Clean gardening tools by scrubbing them with a baking soda paste to remove dirt and rust.

9. Seed Germination: Enhance seed germination by soaking seeds in a baking soda solution before planting.

10. Ant Repellent: Deter ants by creating barriers with baking soda around plants or ant trails.

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