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Friday, August 16, 2024

For God to be God he needs Satan

Satan is more important to God than humans, if not, God wouldn't have told us about the existence of Satan.

For God to maintain his relevance in humans life, he needed to introduce Satan to us.

Satan has never said anything about himself to humanity.

All we know and maybe will ever know about Satan is taught to us by God.

God took out time to market Satan to humanity through the Bible, that's how much of importance Satan holds in God's agenda.

To tell you how much important Satan is in God's agenda, he made Satan invisible to humans, so that won't kill Satan same way we killed Jesus allegedly.

Have you ever imagined what will be of Satan if God made him visible to humans?

Do you think Satan will survive the next minutes if humans can see and touch him same way they did with Christ?

Why prolong the death of Satan when you can end him now to save humanity.

If God has made a pact with Satan never to harm or kill him, then he should allow humans do it by making Satan visible to humans.

We wouldn't have known the existence of Satan if not for God.

God was busy telling us all the evils of Satan but never mentioned one good thing that Satan did...

Does Satan have no record of good?

Was Satan created evil by God himself from the onset?

Since everything we know about Satan is revealed to us by God himself, and he never told us any good of Satan...

How honest is God?

Is God truly a honest and just God?

You cannot tell us the life story of Satan, and never told us one good he did, that should truly bother any thinking human being.

The fact that everything we ever knew about Satan was said by God himself and not Satan, is truly fishy.

God won't kill Satan because God needs Satan to be God!

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